Ngà Bun, a young Tboli girl, experiences emotions as varied as the patterns of the tnalak cloth. She discovers that situations in life can spark a range of feelings, such as happiness, fear, anger, relief, sadness and love,.
This story narrates how Ngà Bun navigates through her changing emotions. It also presents the hidden value of a dreamweaver's traditional handwoven cloth - the tnalak.
Yem Ngabun sotu nga Libun Tboli tey de gunun gel stólóng kegnomen du, lumun kestolong yo kem betek nes tnalak, mlan be klowilen ni kem ni, mò henged gunun tembul yom kligal, kliko, lebut, kehyu nawa, keblat nawa, hol neen yem kesbong nawa. Nim tutul ni, tulonen yem keglan Ngabun du Yem gel kesfili hendemen, bud tulonen sneen. yem Ali kebtes lan tdok yo kem tau meuel - nes tnalak.
AUTHOR: Mary Ann Ordinario
ILLUSTRATORS: Svitlana Holovchenko and Beth Parrocha
PUBLISHER: ABC Educational Development Center
LANGUAGE: English (with Filipino and Tboli translatoins on back pages)
ISBN: 9789710492565
FORMAT: Softcover
SIZE: 10x10in
WEIGHT: 160g