Nautilus Comics

The main publishing line of Chamber Shell Publishing is Nautilus Comics. We love the art form of comics because like the nautilus, it too is an medium that utilizes "chambers" or panels to explore the depths. The nautilus fills the chambers of its shell with fluid, changing the amount to adjust its buoyancy allowing it to go up or down at will. Comics works in a similar way, filling its panels with different types of content, be they images or words, to enjoy either light and fun ideas or to explore deeper, rarely seen truths.
While we do superhero, fantasy, sci-fi, and action comics, we tend to favor genres most other publishers shy away from and are harder to find in comic shelves such as romance, historical fiction, non-fiction, and slice-of-life. And several of our books have won awards and/or have been created by award-winning creators, so that doesn't hurt either. More than choosing what will sell, we choose to publish books we want to see because there aren't any books like them out there.
Most importantly, Nautilus Comics features titles that are spearheaded by people who just flat out love comics.
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