Everyday millions of commuters randomly throw their trash out on the streets. This makes the roads miserable and filthy, until they hatch a plan to teach humans a lesson - by giving them back all the garbage they ever threw out on the streets!
ALEXINE: This is a pretty accurate depiction of what how our trash ends up on the streets. It's been a decade since this story has been published, sadly, not much has changed, but maybe we can encourage our children's generation to do better.
ADRIANA: This book made me realize that humans really need to learn their lesson - stop throwing trash!
AUTHOR: Mary Ann Ordinario-FlorestaILLUSTRATOR: Pepper O. RoxasPUBLISHER: ABC Educational Development CenterLANGUAGE: English & FilipinoISBN: 978-971-921-775-8DATE PUBLISHED: 2007FORMAT: SoftcoverSIZE: 7x9inWEIGHT: 100g