The war in Mindanao between Muslims and Christians is very real and this is how an innocent child experiences it. Feel their fear, tragedy, suffering, and their longing for peace.
AWARD: 2003 Best Short Story for Children, The Catholic Mass Media Awards
ALEXINE: Adults should read this book. I told Adriana that this still happens today in the Philippines and in countries across the world and she was very surprised. She said no child will want to read about this sadness, much less experience it in real life.
ADRIANA: This story makes me very sad. I didn't know that this really happens to children. There shouldn't be any wars. There should only be peace.
AUTHOR: Mary Ann Ordinario-FlorestaILLUSTRATOR: Biboy BluPUBLISHER: ABC Educational Development CenterLANGUAGE: English & FilipinoISBN: 978-971-921-773-1DATE PUBLISHED: 2000FORMAT: SoftcoverSIZE: 7x9inWEIGHT: 100g