A beautiful tale of a young girl who was determined to discover what the world had to offer, even if it meant challenging the norm. Empowered by her father, she succeeded in her quest and shared it with her community.
ALEXINE: Beautifully illustrated with wistful images that make you feel the ocean breeze on a cool evening. I love that Juana challenges her community’s set gender roles and pursues her dream with her father’s guidance. This sends a very strong message for today’s children.
ADRIANA: I think I’ll like sailing and fishing more than sewing, just like Juana. But I might like sewing too, you keep on forgetting to teach me how to sew, Mom!
AUTHOR: Becky Bravo
ILLUSTRATOR: Jonathan Rañola
PUBLISHER: Lampara Books
LANGUAGE: English & Filipino
ISBN: 978-971-518-514-1
FORMAT: Softcover
SIZE: 8x9in
WEIGHT: 100g