"Erwin's Mama, Klara's Papa" is a flip book with two stories.
Erwin's mama doesn't dress up like other mamas. Klara's papa doesn't do the work of other papas. Can Erwin and Klara convince their parents to be like other parents?
ALEXINE: Erwin's mama and Klara's papa are real-life characters we all know, we see them everyday in our communities. As proof, these two stories are actually intertwined. A definite library must-have for both kids and adults!
AUTHOR: Eugene Y. EvascoILLUSTRATOR: Tokwa Peñaflorida PUBLISHER: Kahel PressLANGUAGE: English & FilipinoISBN: 9789716253955DATE PUBLISHED: 2018FORMAT: SoftcoverSIZE: 8x8inWEIGHT: 100g