This is a true-to-life story of a 5 year old child kept inside a basket during the war in Mindanao. This is his story from war to peace.
When there is war, children often rely on their families for protection. This is a different story. A basket kept one child safe from war. A basket gave him home and faith. A basket gave him the inspiration to help children affected by war.
ALEXINE: War exists and it is our duty to make our children socially aware. Maybe through storybooks, their entire generation will unite for world peace.
ADRIANA: This story is sad because the boy is stuffed into a basket to escape from war. I never want to experience war.
AUTHOR: Mary Ann OrdinarioILLUSTRATOR: Aldy C. AguirrePUBLISHER: ABC Educational Development CenterLANGUAGE: English & FilipinoISBN: 978-971-049-243-5DATE PUBLISHED: 2018FORMAT: SoftcoverSIZE: 10x10inWEIGHT: 300g